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栏目:香烟资讯 作者:访客 时间:2024-08-26 20:03:39




据了解,日上免税店的香烟价格比国内市场要低很多,以中华香烟为例,在国内市场售价约为 150 元/条,而在日上免税店仅售约 100 元/条。这巨大的价格差吸引了大量的香烟代购者,他们通过各种渠道代购日上免税店的香烟并加价出售,从中牟取暴利。





despite the crackdown and risks, the cigarette purchasing and reselling business continues to flourish, driven by the substantial price difference between Japan's duty-free shops and the domestic market in China.

To cater to the growing demand, a number of specialized companies have emerged, offering various services such as purchasing, shipping, and distribution. These companies often employ staff and establish extensive networks to facilitate the smooth operation of their businesses.

However, the cigarette purchasing and reselling industry also faces certain challenges and risks. Firstly, it is against the law to purchase and resell cigarettes as an individual. According to Chinese regulations, it is illegal to bring in more than a certain number of cigarettes into the country. Secondly, as the competition intensifies and profit margins shrink, cigarette purchasers face increasing pressure to sustain their operations.

In response to the prevalence of cigarette purchasing and reselling, relevant authorities have stepped up enforcement efforts. Recently, the General Administration of Customs issued a notice, calling for stricter supervision of cigarettes entering and leaving the country and a crackdown on cigarette smuggling and purchasing and reselling activities.

Despite the crackdown and risks, the cigarette purchasing and reselling business continues to flourish, driven by the substantial price difference between Japan's duty-free shops and the domestic market in China. To address the risks and challenges, some companies in the industry have begun to explore new models, such as cross-border e-commerce and collaborations with duty-free shops in other countries. It remains to be seen how these developments will impact the future of the cigarette purchasing and reselling industry.

